
U.s. newstream and eds and ebsco
U.s. newstream and eds and ebsco

u.s. newstream and eds and ebsco

Oxford Bibliographies in African American Studies represents another step in the field's institutional progress. African American Studies is now a vibrant, complex, and growing field for the intellectual and curricular mission of centers, institutes, programs, and departments at colleges and universities across the country. Oxford Bibliographies Online: African American StudiesĮver since the national rise of "Black Studies" during the second half of the twentieth century, this field has focused on the distinctive individuals, places, events, concepts, and circumstances of African American history from the seventeenth century to the present - from the early national period, when New World Africans first reckoned with Enlightenment preconceptions of race, to the new millennium, when African Americans continue to negotiate the conditions of their lives in the United States. Thousands of podcasts, including weekly presidential addresses and premier NPR programsĪ national and state curriculum standards search, correlated to the content that allows educators to quickly identify material by grade and discipline Nearly 70,000 images and a link to Google Image Search Nearly 6,000 statistical tables, charts and graphs More than 14,000 pro/con viewpoint essaysģ00 biographies of social activists and reformers This resource helps students explore issues from all perspectives, and includes: Opposing Viewpoints helps students research, analyze and organize a broad variety of data for conducting research, completing writing assignments, preparing for debates, creating presentations and more. Gale in Context: Opposing Viewpoints covers today’s hottest social issues, from Offshore Drilling to Climate Change, Health Care to Immigration.

u.s. newstream and eds and ebsco


Additional full text available includes more than 50 books & monographs such as Art and the Performance of Memory, Avant Garde Theatre, British Realist Theatre, Community Theatre, History of European Drama and Theatre, Learning Through Theatre, Opera, Performance Theory, Popular Theatres of Nineteenth Century France, Shakespeare, Theory and Performance, Sourcebook on Feminist Theatre and Performance, Theatre and the World, Twentieth-Century Actor Training, Who's Who in Contemporary World Theatre, World Encyclopedia of Contemporary Theatre and many more. International Bibliography of Theatre & Dance with Full TextĬontains all of the content available in International Bibliography of Theatre & Dance as well as full text for 100 titles, including Canadian Theatre Review, Dance Chronicle, Dance Teacher, Modern Drama, PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art, Research in Dance Education, Research in Drama Education, Studies in Theatre and Performance, TDR: The Drama Review, Theater, and many more. The Using Subject Headings tutorial below explains it better. Browse a database’s Thesaurus or list of Subject Terms to find subject headings relevant to your topic OR use a subject heading link in an article record to search for more articles with that heading. You may discover other topics, authors or references or you may decide to change your topic. You don't need to start with 20 articles find a couple of very relevant ones and read those first. Example (keywords in italics): What are the effects of global warming on the animals in national parks? You might want to get more specific and search for: climate change, wildlife, Yellowstone. KEEP IT SIMPLE.Search with only the most necessary keywords from your topic and don't use all of them at once.What search tools are available to you? Are there check boxes, limiters, subject headings, indexes, a link to get help? The entire list of indexes and databases available from EBSCO. Before you start searching in an unfamiliar database, look at the whole search screen first. African American Newspapers, 1827-1998 enables users to search more than 270 African. Librarians can suggest the best databases for your topic, help you with your search strategy, and answer questions about using library resources.ĭatabase Searching Tips from Foley Librarians Read the abstract of an article to find out if it really is beneficial to your research.Expand keywords with truncation: bicycl* (retrieves bicycle, bicycles, bicycled, bicycling).That's what your professors expect you to use in your research.

U.s. newstream and eds and ebsco