
Bayonetta 3 new design
Bayonetta 3 new design

bayonetta 3 new design

All I’ll say is to pay attention to similarities in some characters' design choices. I wasn’t expecting amazing levels of storytelling from Bayonetta 3, but I was pleasantly surprised by some of the twists and turns along the way, though some were a bit blatant. This does lead to one-sided characters on occasion, but they are loveable nonetheless. Bayonetta 3 follows the grand tradition of 3D JRPG action adventures with weird EXTREMELY quirky characters being awesome. Now that we're done with the catch-up, let's talk about the actual story without getting into any spoilers.

bayonetta 3 new design

In general, if you are new to Bayonetta and care about the story a lot, I recommend playing the previous entries first or a quick dive through the wiki if you just want some context. On the other hand, the main events of Bayonetta 3 don’t continue from previous games outside of character backstories.

bayonetta 3 new design

Compare this to Bayonetta 3 where any in-game info found on returning characters, demons, weapons, and so on is only found in one or two paragraphs on the Codex entry in the UI and is extremely limited. In Devil May Cry 5 there is a 20-30 minute long optional cutscene you can watch that expertly covers all the previous installment's major points and characters, that is one of the best ways I’ve ever seen to get new players and the next generation acquainted with an established series. These rehashes can annoy returning players and disrupt the story flow so it’s not unreasonable to include them, however, I do want to mention how Bayonetta 3’s genre cousin Devil May Cry 5 handled this issue expertly. Bayonetta 3 drops you straight in and expects you to know the story and the characters, there is absolutely zero in-story review or explanation on who any of the returning characters are at any point in the game for example, one character making reference to past adventures, or the classic narrative tool of having a character explain another’s backstory to a new character. The story is great don’t get me wrong, but it does suffer pretty badly from the ‘You definitely played the previous games right?’ syndrome. I do have some problems with the game from a story perspective.

Bayonetta 3 new design